FOOTPRINTS - the BRA eNewsletter
Footprints is the official newsletter of the British Reflexology Association
and is published four times a year in January, April, July and October.
Since January 2018, the 4 issues have been e-newsletters
Subscribe to Footprints
Footprints is issued free to members. Non-members may subscribe to Footprints.
The subscription rates are as follows :
4 issues - £20.00 by email only
Since each issue is an e-newsletter, if you do not have an email address then it is not possible to post a copy
Please click here to subscribe: Pay
Advertise in Footprints
To advertise in Footprints please contact the BRA Administration Office.
Current rates are:
£50 to advertise in one issue of the newsletter and for advert to appear for 3 months on website and facebook page
£50 for 6 months to advertise CPD courses in newsletter (2 issues) and on CPD page on website and on facebook page
Other options available
Footprints Index
An index of articles that have appeared in Footprints is available from the BRA Administration Office price £1.50 plus pp 50p